David coming up from the creek |
Jason hooking the jerk strap to those $160 ( american ) tow hooks |
Jon on the left...then Jason |
From left to right...Jon, Randy & David |
Another one of David coming up out of creek |
David dropping down into creek area |
The line up from front to back: David, Randy, Eddie, Jason, Jon and Ed the neighbor |
David coming down off the falls |
On top of the falls |
On top of the falls 2 |
Ed the neighbor coming into the creek...yes it is a Ranger...but at least it is a 4x4 |
Another one of Ed |
Jason dropping down into the creek area |
A view from the top of the falls |
Stopping for a break |
A view from the bottom...note Jon's transportation along the right side |
It's a long way down there |
Hey, you guys aren't moving...are you ok? |
They made it finally |
The crew from another angle: Eddie, David, Jason, Ed, Randy, Jon |
The crew from another angle: Eddie, David, Jason, Ed, Randy, Jon #2 |
Let's try taking a picture down the road in that open area...yes that is Randy's dynamite legs inside of those Catepillar boots ladies |
From this angle the Ranger is in the front...hmm. |
From this angle the Ranger is in the front...hmm. #2 |
Closer up: Ed the( neighbor ), Jon ( our fearless leader ),Jason & Norah ( my fellow 4x4 Dakers ) , half of Eddie |
Jason & Norah ( my fellow 4x4 Dakers ), Eddie's GTS Dak ( the 6 cylinder automatic drag monster ), Randy ( Timber's well trained Poolaris fetcher ) |
Randy's cute little 2 wheel drive 6 cylinder model, David & Carolyn ( the hicks from the sticks ) |
We just love our trucks so much... |
From the left: Jason & Norah, David & Carolyn, Jon & Randy ( don't they make a cute couple? ), Eddie & Lisa |
Carolyn's road machine... I'm not sure how that picture got in here but am to lazy to remove it. |
David at the top of the falls |
The way to the top |
The way to the top...from another angle |